the most figure in Libya participation history in the Olympic media- mission for the Libyan delegation in Shanghai the year 2007.
5 people from the center
Talal Hasan Farhat audio " technician"
Ahmed Khalid...
3B Vidio service presented an offer to the general movement for scouts in Libya aims to carry out a coverage by a voluntary on his express to the participation of the Libyan mission in...
Esra Bara is a first Libyan director graduated from the faculty of arts and information .
She carries out the direct direction for the direct direction for the documentary presentation festival ( ANSAF AL...
At the climax of the celebrations with the great Al Fatah festival
the city of Tripoli celebrated with a singing festival for the arrist
Faddel Shaker .
Maryam Fares...
At the climax of the celebrations with the greet Al Fateh festival
with attendance of the wife of the leader
,in the city of Mussrata
, the wedding of one hundred bride and...
3B video services and the star Academy Maghreb programme
are carrying out the classification of the Libyan voices participating in the programme.
The center also contributed with the audio video and organizing....
3B video service organized a photography course for all employees at the center .
The professional photographer Talal Baryon and the professional photographer seffao had given the course...
An advertising work was carried out by the center for the farm factory for natural juice.
It took three days to film all stages of the factory production...